content="Physician Assistant, Physician Associate are Professional Medical Practitioners. Physician Assistants diagnosis. Physician Assistants perform medical procedures. Physician Assistants prescribe treatment. Physician Assistants are partners with physicians in all medical and surgical specialties. Physician Assistants unite medical expertise with compassion for exceptional patient care"
name="PA jobs NP jobs Advanced Practice Jobs">
content="yes•with all right reserved by each copyright holder"
content="PA jobs Physician Assistant jobs world wide, Physician Associate are Professional Medical Practitioners. Physician Assistants diagnosis. Physician Assistants perform medical procedures. Physician Assistants prescribe treatment. Physician Assistants are partners with physicians in all medical and surgical specialties. Physician Assistants unite medical expertise with compassion for exceptional patient care"
content="PA job,PA jobs,Physician Assistant job, Physician Assistant jobs, Physician Assistants jobs,Physician Assistants job,PA Physician Assistant Recruitment, Physician Assistant placement, Physician, Assistants, PA,job, jobs, position, Physician Assistant recruiter, Physician Assistant mid•level, Physician Assistant provider, Physician Assistant career, Physician Assistant recruiting, Physician Assistant practice, Pennsylvania extender, NCCPA,AAPA"
content="Physician Assistant, Physician Associate are Professional Medical Practitioners. Physician Assistants diagnosis. Physician Assistants perform medical procedures. Physician Assistants prescribe treatment. Physician Assistants are partners with physicians in all medical and surgical specialties. Physician Assistants unite medical expertise with compassion for exceptional patient care"
" name="dc.identifier">"
content="Physician Assistant, Physician Associate are Professional Medical Practitioners. Physician Assistants diagnosis. Physician Assistants perform medical procedures. Physician Assistants prescribe treatment. Physician Assistants are partners with physicians in all medical and surgical specialties. Physician Assistants unite medical expertise with compassion for exceptional patient care"
content="Physician Assistant, Physician Associate are Professional Medical Practitioners who diagnosis, perform medical procedures, and prescribe treatment as partners with physicians in all medical and surgical specialties, uniting medical expertise with compassion for exceptional patient care"
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Board Boxes are extremly active
class="1">Thousands of Physician Assistant see these PA jobs
color="#330000"> src="" height="100" width="200"> PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT EMERGENCY MEDICINE CALIFORNIA href="" target="_blank">francielouie@ href="" target="_blank">See Job Details | color="#330000" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"> color="#330000"> src="" height="102" width="200"> PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT NURSE PRACTITIONER Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center Hartford, Connecticut Christine Bourbeau href="" target="_blank"> href="">See Job Details | color="#330000"> href=""> class=""> color="#330000"> src="" height="100" width="200"> PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT ENT TEXAS href="" target="_blank"> href="">See Job Details |
color="#330000"> src="" height="108" width="200"> Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center The Connecticut Joint Replacement Institute Invite Physician Assistants to Join Newly Created Center of Excellence Christine Bourbeau href="" target="_blank"> href="">See Job Details | src="" height="118" width="231"> ADVANCED PRACTICE CLINICIAN DERMATOLOGY FLORIDA Cathy Mars href="" target="_blank"> href="">See Job Details | color="#330000"> src="" height="102" width="200"> PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT- SURGERY Department of Surgery Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center Hartford, Connecticut Christine Bourbeau href="" target="_blank"> href="">See Job Details |
color="#330000"> src="" height="156" width="200"> SITE MEDICAL DIRECTOR LEAD PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT IRAQ href="" target="_blank">SEE ASSIGNMENT DETAILS | src="" height="100" width="200"> ADVANCED PRACTICE CLINICIANS PAIN MANAGEMENT HAWAII Dr. Greg Ruhland MD href="" target="_blank"> href="" target="_blank">See Job Details | face="Tahoma"> src="" height="100" width="200"> color="#330000">Arizona Emergency Medicine Specialists PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT Arizona href="" target="_blank">bmaggardaems@ href="" target="_blank">See Job Details |
src="" height="100" width="200"> PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE ARIZONA href="" target="_blank"> href="" target="_blank">See Job Details | color="#330000"> src="" height="100" width="200"> PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT ORTHOPEDICS TEXAS href="" target="_blank"> href="" target="_blank">See Job Details | color="#330000"> src="" height="100" width="200"> PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT EMERGENCY NEW JERSEY Caroline Hodge, PA-C href=""> > href="">See Job Details |
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color="#330000"> src="" height="130" width="293"> style="font-weight: bold;">1st Annual Symposium on Psychiatry 20 Hours CME Available! href="">See Details | color="#330000"> src="" height="100" width="200"> NP / PA Rheumatology San Antonio, TX href="" target="_blank"> href="">See Job Details | src="" height="100" width="200"> PA / NP INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE TEXAS href="" target="_blank"> href="">See Job Details |
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style="color: rgb(51, 0, 0);">SEPTEMBER 11, 2012
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Physician Assistant (Site Medical Director, Lead Physician Assistant)
HCSS-Iraq Program Management Office (PMO)
CHS Middle East, LLC
Health Care Service Support – Iraq Program Manager
establishes a
clinically safe and professionally managed healthcare environment and
provides primary health care as well as resuscitative surgical care in
accordance with U.S. or equivalent medical standards on a 24-hour
basis, 365 days of the year to Chief of Mission (COM) personnel U.S.
Embassy Baghdad, serving a population of approximately 14,000 adults.
The Physician Assistant (PA) reports to the HCSS-Iraq Program Manager
and will be clinically supervised by the site medical director and work
at the direction of a Physician, Surgeon or Anesthetist. The PA will be
assigned to treat patients in one of the following settings: (1) Health
Units (non-surgical/field medical care clinics), (2) Small
medical/trauma hospitals (DSH), (3) Large medical/trauma hospital (DSH).
Physician Assistant (PA) support the medical function and will treat
patients in these settings to ensure proper injury care and disease
diagnosis, treatment and recovery, request necessary tests and
follow-up visits and refer patients to specialists as necessary.
settings may require the Physician Assistant (PA) to coordinate with
local hospitals to determine local capabilities, coordinate admission,
monitor and arrange final disposition. In addition, some
settings will
require stabilization of patient and coordination of evacuation of
patient to medevac center or CONUS. The Physician Assistant
(PA) will
stabilize and prepare sick and injured personnel to a higher level
medical facility. The Physician Assistant (PA) will ensure
medical kits supplied to all personnel are maintained as to contents
and serviceability. In hospital settings, Physician Assistant
supports the physician in planning and implementing the medical support
program (preventive and corrective) to maintain the health of COM
In some locations, the Physician Assistant (PA)
will have a leadership role (Lead Physician Assistant) and serve as
both a Physician Assistant (PA) and Site Medical Director.
Assistants (PA) provide a U.S. standard of care for our patient
care/treatment model. All services shall be provided in
with established standards, principles and ethics of the profession and
applicable professional specialty organizations.
* Hold and maintain a current unrestricted U.S. State
Physician Assistant license and have NCCPA certification.
Have three (3) to five (5) years experience as a Physician
PA with emergency medicine experience are highly desirable.
* Have
and maintain current certification in Advanced Cardiac Life Support
(ACLS), Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS), and Cardio Pulmonary
Resuscitation (CPR).
* PA’s who recently completed a Tactical
Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) course or comparable advanced trauma course
featuring “live tissue” or simulation training are
very desirable.
* Shall have recent clinical experience in patient care,
including at least 6 months out of the past year.
Equivalent non-U.S/Canadian education, board certification,
licensing, diplomas and experience may be qualifying, after CHS/DOS RMO
• All Health Care Providers
(HCPs) will document care delivered and follow up care required.
Maintain the highest regard for patient dignity and observe the
precepts of the American Hospital Associations Bill of Rights for
• Physician Assistant, at the
direction of the
responsible Site Medical Director, may be required hand carry meals
(breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks) for Hospitalized patients from the
dining facility operated by another contractor to the Hospital
inpatient ward and return trays or dispose of trash accordingly.
Attends and participates in a variety of meetings and task force groups
to improve quality and outcomes, communicate issues, obtain approvals,
resolve problems and maintain specific level of knowledge pertaining to
new developments, new task efforts, and new policy requirements.
• Must have worked 6 of the last
12 months as a Physician Assistant.
Physician Assistants will require a favorably adjudicated Moderate Risk
Public Trust (MRPT) investigation conducted by the Department of State,
Bureau of Diplomatic Security.
• Physician Assistant will sign
a CHS HCSS-I Foreign Service Agreement (FSA) and is bound to the terms
and conditions of the FSA.
• Non-U.S. citizen assignments
this contract in Iraq must undergo, and favorably pass, an
Investigation conducted by the Iraq Embassy Regional Security Office
(RSO). This background investigation will be conducted by the
FSNI (Foreign Service National Investigator).
Note: CHS will
provide institutional malpractice insurance as well as individual
malpractice policies for the all Nurse Practitioners and Physician
The following requirements apply to all Physician Assistants:
• The workweek is established by
the DoS Chief of Mission.
Physician Assistants shall be licensed in the United States or Canada;
physicians and primary care providers licensed elsewhere will be
considered on a case-by-case basis.
• Participate in training,
(including HIPAA
training) that may be required by DOS or CHS prior to deployment to
All Physician Assistants will complete a two week Foreign Affairs
Counter Terrorism training course prior to deployment to Iraq for work
on the HCSS-Iraq contract. Training will include: Combat First Aid,
Weapons Familiarization, Defensive Tactics/Driving, IED recognition,
Surveillance Detection and Hostage Survival and Personnel Recovery.
• Must have a valid, current
U.S. Driver’s License or country of origin Driver’s
• Must have a current U.S.
Passport or country of origin Passport.
• All Physician Assistants shall
be proficient
in the ability to speak, write and communicate in English.
All shall demonstrate proficiency in the use of basic word processing
programs and the CHS Medical Management System software.
Must be confirmed by a medical examination to be “medically
dentally fit” in accordance with DOS requirements for service
in Iraq
• Work is normally performed in
a typical
interior/office work environment; travel in Iraq is required by surface
or air;
• The climate is desert-like,
hot, and prone to dust storms.
target="_blank">Please Click Here To Apply OnLine:
height="150" width="300">
color="#330000"> face="Times New Roman">Physician Assistant/Nurse Practitioner
color="#330000"> face="Times New Roman">Central/South Jersey
color="#330000"> size="3">
color="#330000" size="3"> face="Times New Roman">PART TIME OR FULL TIME - Well
established and respected out patient musculoskeletal injury and pain
management practice located in Central/Southern New Jersey, seeking a
part time/full time Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner.
established and respected out patient musculoskeletal injury and pain
management practice located in Central/Southern New Jersey, seeking a
part time/full time Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner.
color="#330000" face="Times New Roman" size="3">
color="#330000" face="Times New Roman" size="3">A
fantastic working environment, as well as, a phenomenal salary, bonus
structure and healthcare benefits. Weekdays
only, no weekends and no call.
fantastic working environment, as well as, a phenomenal salary, bonus
structure and healthcare benefits. Weekdays
only, no weekends and no call.
color="#330000" face="Times New Roman" size="3">
color="#330000" face="Times New Roman" size="3">Contact
Philip Grossman at 609-658-9786, or email resume to href="">
>Philip Grossman at 609-658-9786, or email resume to href="">
alt="NP jobs PA jobs Dermatology Florida"
height="150" width="300">
FLORIDA: Our busy general and
cosmetic dermatology practice is looking to expand by
adding a full-time nurse practitioner or physician
assistant to our team of
providers. Our facility is a modern complex, with state-of-the-art
equipment and dedicated medical assistants and front desk personnel. We
conveniently located in the metro area of Miami, with expansive views of
the Miami skyline, Key Biscayne and Coconut Grove.
Applicant must have previous clinical experience of at least one year in
dermatology OR be a foreign medical graduate with ARNP or PA-C
We offer a full time position with flexible hours and a very competitive
benefits package. Applicant will receive a generous base salary plus
competitive productivity bonus. Full medical and malpractice insurance
be provided. Paid vacation, personal time, national holidays (seven
and CME time will be provided. CME stipend will be provided as well.
Please email resumes, preferably within the text of your email. You may
send your resume as an attachment in word or pdf document only.
The position is available immediately.
Thank you.
The management .
305-856-6555 Office
305-856-6556 Fax"
height="150" width="300">
FLORIDA: Our busy general and
cosmetic dermatology practice is looking to expand by
adding a full-time nurse practitioner or physician
assistant to our team of
providers. Our facility is a modern complex, with state-of-the-art
equipment and dedicated medical assistants and front desk personnel. We
conveniently located in the metro area of Miami, with expansive views of
the Miami skyline, Key Biscayne and Coconut Grove.
Applicant must have previous clinical experience of at least one year in
dermatology OR be a foreign medical graduate with ARNP or PA-C
We offer a full time position with flexible hours and a very competitive
benefits package. Applicant will receive a generous base salary plus
competitive productivity bonus. Full medical and malpractice insurance
be provided. Paid vacation, personal time, national holidays (seven
and CME time will be provided. CME stipend will be provided as well.
Please email resumes, preferably within the text of your email. You may
send your resume as an attachment in word or pdf document only.
The position is available immediately.
Thank you.
The management .
305-856-6555 Office
305-856-6556 Fax"
Orthopaedic Associates of Reading,
A Division of Keystone Orthopaedic Specialists, LLC, i
Looking for a Physician Assistant You Could Be the one...
responsibilities of the position include: provide first assist surgical
support to orthopaedic physicians; assist patients in clinical settings
in various venues (i.e. office, hospital in-patient, rehabilitation and
emergency); join a team of six PA’s to provide call and
weekend support
to seven surgeons; conduct pre-surgical history and physical exams as
well as see patients in follow-up to surgery.
The successful
candidate will have exposure to a busy medical practice or hospital
experience, carry a PA degree and possess the ability to work
independently. We are looking for a person with a high level
energy, good verbal communication skills and ability to effectively
handle multiple tasks simultaneously.
OAR offers a
competitive salary and benefits package including medical, dental,
vision, disability, vacation and pension. Additional benefits
coverage for professional liability insurance, certification, and CME
fees, dues, food allowance, telephone allowance, clothing allowance,
Applicants interested in joining a very collegiate team
of Physicians and Physician Assistants may fax resume and cover letter
to the attn: Nan Neff, Practice Administrator, 610-376-6387,
e-mail to
target="_blank"> or mail to OAR,
301 South Seventh Avenue Suite 3220, West Reading, PA 19611
Applicants only, no agencies please
Full Time Clinical
Coordinator Position
Trevecca Nazarene
University Physician Assistant Program
style="font-weight: bold;">
Nashville, Tennessee
DESCRIPTION: One (1) full-time clinical coordinator is being sought for
the Trevecca Nazarene University (TNU) Physician Assistant Program.
This is a 12 month tenure-track position with competitive salary and
benefits commensurate with qualifications. Masters degree or higher in
physician assistant studies or education with 2 years clinical and/or
academic experience required. An understanding and expression of a
Christian world-view is essential. Familiarity with Microsoft Office a
plus. Duties will entail assignment of clinical rotations, establishing
new rotations, and maintaining and evaluating present rotations. Some
teaching of basic science courses and skills, mentoring of students,
attendance on program and university committees, and student
recruitment can be expected.
Trevecca's program has been established since 1976 producing
well-respected, competent PAs for a life-time of leadership and service
from a Christian world-view. Technology is heavily incorporated through
the entire instruction period.
CONTACT: Application forms can be accessed on the Trevecca web page by clicking Jobs at the bottom of the page, then
Employment Applications, and then Faculty/Administrator
Application.pdf. Send the completed forms plus CV to Program Director,
TNU Physician Assistant Program, 333 Murfreesboro Road, Nashville, TN
37210, or fax to 615-248-1622, or email to href="">>
alt="Philadelphia University Physician Assistant Program Faculty Postiions"
Physician Assistant
Program Director
College of Science,
Health and Liberal Arts Philadelphia University
style="font-weight: bold;">
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Applicants must have graduated from an ARC-PA accredited PA program,
hold current certification from the NCCPA, be eligible for Pennsylvania
licensure, and hold a graduate degree. A doctoral degree is preferred,
but candidates with a master’s degree will be considered if
have substantial experience in PA education and/or a willingness to
pursue a doctorate. The university would also consider a board
certified physician (M.D. or D.O.) holding a valid medical license in
Pennsylvania. Other qualifications include significant clinical
practice experience, along with experience in teaching and
administration. Expertise in accreditation and current practices in
medical education would be a plus.
Education Required:
Certification from the NCCPA and advanced degree, Doctoral degree
The Program Director is responsible for the overall administration of
the program including curriculum, budget, accreditation, staff/faculty,
fund raising, planning and assessment. The position also includes some
teaching. The University is looking for a talented, visionary leader
with superb communication, organization, and interpersonal skills.
Interested applicants should send a cover letter, CV, and the name of
three references to Matt Dane Baker, PA-C, D.H.Sc., Executive Dean of
the College of Science, Health and the Liberal Arts at Philadelphia
University, 4201 Henry Avenue. Search Hall Suite 310, Philadelphia, PA
19144 or via e-mail at">
Philadelphia University is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Laguna Hills,CA - Physical Medicine
and Rehab. No call, weekends or rounds!
Physical Medicine and Rehab Clinic is seeking a NP/PA to add to the
clinic.The position would entail performing a multitude of injections
to include US guided SI injections, knee, shoulder and trigger point
injections.This position is full time and offers a fantastic lifestyle
with limited hours and no call,weekends or rounds!!! Base
85-100k DOE with a production bonus.
Contact: Troy Naftzger
Phone: 740-877-0345
Email: href=""
src="" class="auto-style5"
align="middle" height="104" width="200">
North Carolina – Hospitalist – New Grads Welcome
are seeking a Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner for a
Hospitalist (FNP, ACNP, or ANP) position in eastern North Carolina.
Will consider an experienced provider or strong new graduate. Schedule
will be 7p to 7a, M – S, 7 on, 7 off. High autonomy. Salary
will be $80
– 100k+ with a comprehensive benefit package including 25
days PTO,
malpractice, health insurance, dental/vision/disability, retirement,
and 1 wk paid CME. Relocation assistance and possible sign-on bonus.
This part of North Carolina has rolling hills and lots of pine trees.
It offers affordable housing, good schools, great climate, and abundant
outdoor recreational opportunities. Beautiful scenery with pine forests
and the big city nearby. So, come on over and begin your future in this
very desirable location.
Jim Beyer
National Medical Services
PH: 800-318-3493
PH: 972-807-7820
Fax: 972-807-7821"
src="" class="auto-style5"
align="middle" height="104" width="200">
North Carolina – Family Practice – New Grads Welcome
are seeking a Physician Assistant or Family Nurse Practitioner for an
outpatient Family Practice clinic eastern North Carolina. Will consider
an experienced provider or strong new graduate. Other
providers on
site. Anticipated patient volume will be 20 ppd. Schedule
will be 8a –
5p, No call and 2 – half day Saturdays per month.
Salary will be $80 –
100k+ with a comprehensive benefit package including 25 days PTO,
malpractice, health insurance, dental/vision/disability, retirement,
and 1 wk paid CME. Relocation assistance and possible sign-on bonus.
This part of North Carolina has rolling hills and lots of pine trees.
It offers affordable housing, good schools, great climate, and abundant
outdoor recreational opportunities. Beautiful scenery with pine forests
and the big city nearby. So, come on over and begin your future in this
very desirable location.
Jim Beyer
National Medical Services
PH: 800-318-3493
PH: 972-807-7820
Fax: 972-807-7821"
src="" height="150"
width="300"> RE-POST
Nocturnist Hospitalist
Physician Assistants or Nurse Practitioners
Full-time and Part-time Opportunities
Johnson Memorial Hospital
Stafford Springs, CT
AIMS Hospitalist Group at Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center is
seeking full-time and part-time nocturnist Physician Assistants/Nurse
Practitioners at our alliance site based at Johnson Memorial Hospital-
a 92-bed community based acute care hospital located in Stafford
Springs, Connecticut.
This is an excellent opportunity for
patient-driven and experienced APPs to work within a thriving
hospitalist program that features over 30 medical staff and advanced
practitioner members. Enjoy a favorable work environment
within this
friendly work setting that allows for structured autonomy.
In this
role you will be a valued member of the hospitalist team providing
coverage for admitted patients during the evening and night hours
(including weekends and holidays).
For immediate consideration,
please contact Christine Bourbeau, Director of Physician Recruitment,
today at 855-894-5590/860-714-1090 or email href=""
Pre-Employment Drug Screening
height="150" width="300">
PA/NP needed in Southlake: Texas
Currently seeking PA or NP to join our newly established
integrative medicine, wellness clinic located in Southlake, Texas.
support staff, the pay is great and competitive. This is a stress free
facility with flexible hours, The position is currently a part-time
position but has the possibility to grow to a full-time position in the
near future.
If you are interested in this position, please e-mail your resume and a
cover letter to href=""
your cover letter, please include your availability/desired
compensation. Call or text for additional information at 214-770-1388
height="150" width="300">
Physician assistant
Athens Radiology Associates, PC
Athens, GA
ARA is hiring a second Physician Assistant.
includes patient assessment, performing histories and physicals and
assisting the Interventional Radiologists with a variety of procedures
including PICC lines, thoracentesis, paracentesis, arthrography, port
placement and port removal.
Benefits: Salary, pension plan,
medical insurance, participation in a Health Savings Account (HSA),
allowance for continuing medical education, four weeks vacation and no
call. Requirements: Georgia License
Lynn Treadaway
Athens Radiology Associates
P. 706-389-3075
F. 706-389-3076
width="200"> color="#330000"> RE-POST
NP/PA Needed Dallas,TX - Physical
Medicine and Rehab
No call, weekends or rounds!! New Grads accepted!
Physical Medicine and Rehab Clinic is seeking a NP/PA to add to the
clinic.The position would entail performing a multitude of injections
to include US guided SI injections, knee, shoulder and trigger point
injections.This position is full time and offers a fantastic lifestyle
with limited hours and no call,weekends or rounds!!! Base
85-100k DOE with a production bonus.
Contact: Troy Naftzger
Phone: 740-877-0345
src="" height="117"
width="200"> color="#330000"> RE-POST color="#330000">
Whittier,CA - Physical Medicine and Rehab
No call, weekends or rounds!! New Grads accepted!
Physical Medicine and Rehab Clinic is seeking a NP/PA to add to the
clinic.The position would entail performing a multitude of injections
to include US guided SI injections, knee, shoulder and trigger point
injections.This position is full time and offers a fantastic lifestyle
with limited hours and no call,weekends or rounds!!! Base salary
85-100k DOE with a production bonus.
Contact: Troy Naftzger
Phone: 740-877-0345
src="" height="112"
Rural Health Clinic /Women’s Health Emergency Medicine
–Helena, Montana Area-
Family Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant –
Qualifies for Federal Loan Repayment )
Experienced Providers Only!
are seeking a Family Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant
interested in working in a Rural Health Clinic with ED coverage
responsibilities. The provider would work in the Rural Clinic
two days
per week 8:30 am-5:00pm and cover the emergency room 2 days per
The estimated patient volume would be 20 patients per day in the clinic
and there is a physician on-site during clinic hours. While
working in
the Emergency Department the Provider would see all emergent cases and
handle the ED admits as well. The Provider can
expect a base salary
range of $90,000-95,000+ Depending Upon Experience, plus a
comprehensive benefits package including Medical, Dental 401K, and
Malpractice Coverage. This location qualifies for loan
through the National Health Service Corps and has a high HPSA
Great opportunity in a desirable location so come join their team today!
Schussler, MBA
Medical Advantage Recruiters
15455 Dallas Parkway, Suite #600
Addison, TX 75001
Phone Number: (877) 490-5260
Fax Number: (817) 491-5261
E-mail: href=""
align="middle" height="104" width="200"> color="#330000"> RE-POST
CALIFORNIA (one hour plus north of
San Francisco area)
Physician Assistant - ORS (WILL TRAIN!)
Well-established Orthopaedic Group seeks a second full-time Physician
Assistant. This position includes both the OR and the
Clinic. The new
PA will work with a nationally known Total Joint Fellowship trained
Orthopaedic Surgeon. This Doctors is well versed in the latest
minimally invasive techniques (including robotics) for total hips and
knees. Responsibilities include: surgical first assist,
casting and
splinting, injections, fracture care, writing scripts, coordinate with
PT and ATC, consultation and patient evaluation and education, pre and
post H&P’s and review lab results in both a clinic
and hospital
setting. Successful candidate should be NCCPA-certified,
highly-motivated and hard working. There are no call coverage
requirements, but there are some occasional weekends. This
group will
train a new graduate! New graduates must have a CA license,
completed an orthopaedic rotation, and should be available for
employment within 30 to 60 days. Also, candidates must have
ties to
the region!
The location is within 60 minutes of the beautiful
area of San Francisco. With its moderate climate, proximity
to major
universities, shopping areas, recreational and cultural activities,
employment centers, major airports and the Bay Area Rapid Transit
System, the location captures metropolitan living at its best.
salary range Excellent: Depends on experience, plus a bonus
Additionally, there is a full benefits package provided which includes
medical and dental, vacation and 401K profit sharing. Please
send your
resume to the attention of Fred Perlman at: href=""
align="middle" height="104" width="200"> color="#330000"> RE-POST
CONNECTICUT (25 minutes to Hartford)
Physician Assistant – Neuro (WILL TRAIN!)
Neurosurgeon seeks a full-time Physician Assistant. The
practice has a strong focus on treating spine with some brain
The new PA will work at a very modern facility that is adjacent to the
Hospital. This Doc treats adults and some pediatrics and is
with advanced scoliosis cases.
The Doctor is hard working and
enjoys an excellent reputation in the community. The Doctor
comfortable training a new PA that has excellent communications skills
and has a strong desire for Neurosurgery.
The position is
approximately an equal split between surgical and the office.
The new
PA will also provide patient evaluation and education, first assist,
writing scripts coordinate with PT, rounds, and reviewing lab results
in a clinic setting.
Successful candidate should be
NCCPA-certified, enjoy surgery, and be confident and able to work well
with others in a team-oriented environment. New graduates
excellent credentials, solid work ethic and strong
skills will be considered! Successful candidate should be
NCCPA-certified. Previous Neuro experience is not
required. The group
prefers that the candidate has ties to the region. The PA
must have
excellent interpersonal skills. Prefer someone that has ties to the
region. The salary range is $open. Additionally,
there is a full
benefits package! Please send your resume to the attention of
Perlman at: href=""
align="middle" height="104" width="200"> color="#330000"> RE-POST
within 50 minutes of the Boston area)
Physician Assistant – Orthopaedics (WILL TRAIN!)
Single Specialty Group of Orthopaedic Surgeons seek to add a full-time
Physician Assistant. This group handles sports, general, and
joints cases. The new PA will work in both Clinic and the OR
(performing first assist). Cases will focus on sports (knee
shoulders) and general. The PA will provide patient
surgical first assist, removing casts and pins, consultation and
patient evaluation and education, write scripts, and order and review
lab tests. Call is 1/7. Also, the new PA can run
their own parallel
Successful candidate should be NCCPA-certified and have
some ties to the New England area. Previous
experience is greatly preferred, but will train! The group
consider a new graduate especially with prior experience as a Surgical
Tech., ATC, PT, and Orthopaedic RN. The new PA must have
interpersonal skills and have a great work ethic. The
location is in a
beautiful coastal New England area that is only a 50 minute drive to
the Boston area. Additionally, there is a full benefits
provided which includes 401k profit sharing plan. Salary Open
on experience), plus a bonus Please send your resume to Fred
at: href=""
align="middle" height="104" width="200"> color="#330000"> RE-POST
WASHINGTON (50 minutes to Seattle)
Physician Assistant – Orthopaedics (experienced only)
Large and well-established Orthopaedic Group seeks a full-time
Physician Assistant. This position will include both the OR
and the
Clinic. The new PA will support a well-established General
Surgeon that has a very successful practice. The new
responsibilities include providing first assist, patient evaluation and
education, pre and post-H&P’s, injections (small
joint, trigger
point, and sin-visc), rounding, consultation and reviewing lab results
in both a clinic and hospital setting. Successful candidate
should be
NCCPA-certified. Previous Ortho PA is required. The
group prefers a
candidate that has ties to the region.
The location is in a
beautiful area that is a convenient 50 minute drive to
Seattle. The
location offers ocean, culture, universities, and a great place to
raise a family. Base salary depends on experience, plus
Additionally, there is a full benefits package provided which includes
medical, insurance, vacation, and profit sharing. Please send
resume to the attention of Fred Perlman at: href=""
align="middle" height="104" width="200"> color="#330000"> RE-POST
WISCONSIN (Green Bay area)
Physician Assistant – Orthopaedics (WILL TRAIN!)
Orthopaedic Group seeks to add a full-time Physician
Assistant. The
new PA will work at a state-of-the-art facility that is adjacent to the
Hospital. This position is a split between the office and the
The position will have focus on total joints and some general
The PA will have the opportunity to run their own clinic. The group is
well-established and enjoys an excellent reputation in the community.
is 1/5. The PA will provide patient evaluation and education,
assist, injections, aspirations, fracture care, writing scripts,
coordinate with PT, rounds and reviewing lab results in a clinic
Successful candidate should be NCCPA-certified,
enjoys surgery and is confident and able to work well with others in a
team-oriented environment. New graduates should have
credentials! The group prefers that the candidate has ties to
region. The PA must have excellent interpersonal
skills. This Green
Bay location has excellent schools. The area offers a great
style, low cost of living and an excellent education system.
salary range is open and is there is bonus program. There is
potential for a sign on bonus, relocation costs are paid and there is
an excellent full benefits package! Please send your resume
to the
attention of Fred Perlman at: href=""
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WI PA jobs ER
color="#330000">West Chester, Penn PA jobs ER PA
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NJ multi locs NP/PA emerg
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